Monday, November 15, 2010

A month in Christchuch

Well, since those emails I have mainly been busy working in Christchurch (roadtrip distance was 4000km in the end). After a few days I started doing temp admin work for the Earthquake Commission, nothing too complicated just putting stickers on things, filing and a bit of data entry, its quite good as usually work from 8:30 - 6pm so getting the hours in. Drove over to Akaroa one weekend which was nice, still one of my favourite places in New Zealand.

Earthquakes are a regular occurrence, kind of get nervous when there is not one, 5.0 is still the highest I have experienced but had a few of them now. First couple of weeks we usually had a 4.x most days but seems to be less frequent now (though we had a 4.9 yesterday). On saturday I went to the horse races, it was the big cup day for Christchurch, really did not know what was going on but was quite good fun, lost $5 betting on a horse and $10 from my pocket :-(

Not definate, but probably leaving this week, probably head north a bit to the Marlborough Sounds.

Will try and sort my photos out over the next couple of days.

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